Resumed discussion
Due to the monsoon, it has been fairly quiet for the past months when it comes to the search for Christiaan. Karna – Sardogs foreman – was in The Netherlands during the past few days and we took advantage of the opportunity to brainstorm with friends and two other parties (Rettungshunde fur Nepal and Signi) about a continuation of the search.
Start continued search mid October
Good weather is a prerequisite to be able to start, but the weather around Dhaulagiri is unfortunately still very poor. As far as we can tell at this moment, it may be possible to commence a search during the second half of October. The focus of the search will be on the glacier. An attempt will be made to search for the smell of a corpse as well as to pick up the trail of Christiaan after all.
Search using dogs
The deployment of dogs is the obvious way of continuing the search. Forensic expert Frank van de Goot has discussed various possibilities with us, but holds the opinion that deploying dogs is the logical course of action. During the days on which Paul was on the mountain with the team of dogs, they were limited in their deployment due to the difficulties the terrain presented to the animals. This means that the use of dogs could be valuable, but will also need careful coordination and possibly support by ourselves on site.
Search possibly supported by friends/media
Some friends are considering traveling to Nepal to support the continued search. No one has confirmed conclusively yet. Several media institutions have also expressed interest in joining us with a camera team. We are currently still considering this option.
Here in Malaysia, we are thinking of you and we continue to pray for this effort, remembering especially Christiaan’s family in much prayer.