Comparison satellite images

Satellite images are being comparedSatellite images are being compared

At the moment, part of the satellite images are being examined. The images from before May 16 and those from after May 16th are being compared. Changes in the landscape caused by rockfall or avalanches are being looked at. Based on these data, the search can be carried out in a more specific manner.

In many places where the investigation team goes to work, people know about the disappearance of Christiaan. It seems more and more is becoming known among the local population.

New searching possibilities

At this moment, there is an intensive search for new searching possibilities. The options below are made possible by, among others, the crowd funding activities. If you have any tips for other ways to find Christiaan, please let us know through the tips page.

Satellite images

An assignment has been given to a company that has satellite images at their disposal. An analysis of images before and after May 16th could produce interesting information. Unfortunately, these images are not of such a quality that a person can be recognized. It is possible to see differences in terrains (fallen rocks). Based on this, it might be possible to search on very specific places.


Additionally, the possibility of deploying drones is researched. There are 2 interesting options.

1. Deploying drones that make videos on places that are to dangerous for Paul and Pemba to come.
2. Deploying specialist drones in caves. (See video).

Update June 4th (evening)

Paul says (via satellite phone) he’s doing well. They’ve searched the dangerous area with the most experiences mountainguides and dogs. Not all places could be searched, because of the risk of falling rocks. Tomorrow Paul will return with a small group, the rest will go on. Paul “turned every stone” at the places he could come.

We’ve spend quit a lot of attention on social media today, not just in the Netherlands, but also in Nepal. We’ve started a Facebook campaign for people who traveled to Nepal. has been activated and Hart van Nederland made a video in which Pieter asks people to help.

Most likely Monday evening a second group of friends will travel to Nepal.